What is Summit?Summit is a conference ministry of the Bethel United Reformed Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Summit began in 2016 and for the first 7 years, the name Summit was synonymous with the August Youth Conference. Things changed, however, in February of 2022. That is when Bethel hosted the first annual Summit Reformed Young Adults Conference (RYAC). Now, Summit is the official banner name for Bethel’s Youth and Young Adult Conferences.
Summit Youth Goalto encourage, edify and equip the youth of Christ's church to live their lives to the glory and honor of God.
What is the Summit Reformed Youth Conference?The Summit Reformed Youth Conference is a weeklong conference designed to promote spiritual growth and Christian fellowship among high school age young people and young adult singles within our churches. The Summit Youth Conference week is packed with fun and fellowship. There are five Main Worship Sessions, at least four Breakout Sessions, daily devotions, sport’s tournaments, Out-Day activities, free time activities, Talent Show, etc. To put it in the words of those who have come to the Summit Youth Conference: SUMMIT IS AWESOME!
Can I Come to Summit Alone?Yes. At every Summit Conference we see young people and young adults come to Summit by themselves, yet when they leave, they have forged new relationships and new friendships.
Are there free time activities at Summit that do not involve sports?Yes. We have an extensive collection of board games and card games that are available to play during your free time. Also, we have outdoor games like Nine-Square, human Dutch Blitz, Can-Jam, etc.
When can I arrive on Monday?On-Campus registration begins at 1 p.m. and ends at 5 p.m. Please do not arrive on campus before 1 p.m. If you do arrive in Calgary before 1 p.m., have lunch, go shopping or site-seeing. Supper will be served at 5 p.m. Monday night's 'Main Session' begins at 7:30 p.m.
Do Chaperones pay the same registration fees as everyone else?Yes, chaperones pay the same registration fee. That fee covers the cost of your accommodations (room) and food for the week.
What kind of activities are available.Fun and Fellowship We have lots of great activities planned this year! Out-Day activities Free-Time Games Lawn Games Sports tournaments Swimming 5-K run
How Can I Support Summit?Summit is supported by personal donations and by local churches. Your church can add Summit to their annual budget or take occasional offerings. To receive a tax receipt for your donation/church offering, your cheque must be made out to "Bethel URC" and put Summit Reformed Conferences" in the memo line. Mail to: Bethel URC 730 - 101st Street SW Calgary, AB T3H 3Z5
What are the ages for Summit participants?Young People: Range: Students who have completed grade 9 through grade 12. (Grade 12 grads are to register for Summit as Young Poeple). Young Adults: post high singles under the age of 30.
What if my church cannot send a chaperone?If your church sends a group of young people to Summit, then a chaperone is required (an ideal ratio is 2 chaperones for every 10 young people). If your church only sends 1 or 2 young people and cannot send a chaperone, we can make an exception. Please contact us to let us know.
How can I raise money to help offset my registration fees?Organizing fundraisers at your church is one of the best ways to offset the cost of your registration fees: Organize a bottle drive Make croquettes and sell them Have a Dutch food sale Bake Sale Car Wash Ice cream social
If my registration fee only covers the cost of my room and food, who pays for all the other expenses at Summit?Summit relies upon the generous support of the churches (through weekly offerings and annual budget support) as well as personal donations. If your church does not yet support Summit, please ask your deacons to consider it.
What are the other Summit expenses?While your registration fee covers the cost of your dorm room and food for the week, there are expenses related to the College facilities, travel costs, speaker's honorariums and registration fees, videography, advertising, Summit Staff expenses, as well as the annual overhead costs for the Summit website, etc. All those expenses are paid for by church offerings and personal donations.
Can I bring a friend who does not attend a Reformed church or is not a believer?If your friend does not attend a Reformed church, be sure that they know what goes on at Summit. Show them the topics that will be discussed. If your friend is not a believer, or does not belong to/attend church, then we do not recommend Summit for them. As Summit organizers, we operate under the assumption that everyone who registers for the Conference has faith in Jesus Christ and is a member of Christ's church.
What is a day at Summit like?The days at Summit are deliberately busy and long so you can cram in as much learning, fun and fellowship as possible. Each day of Summit features a "Main Session" where we meet together to sing a few songs and hear from one of our Main Session speakers. On Tuesday and Wednesday you will attend the Break-out sessions and also participate in the sports tournaments or in the outside games. Thursday is the Out-Day activity in the afternoon with a special event in the evening. Friday the Conference wraps up at 11:30 a.m.
What should I bring to Summit?A check-list will be emailed to you a few days before the conference. Here are the main items on that list: FAN for your room. There is no AC in the College dorm rooms. Bible Cell phone & charger (So long as you abide by the rules for cell phones) Notebook & Pen Alarm clock -- or use your cell phone Modest Bathing Suit (see Summit rules) Hoodie or Sweatshirt for cool nights Pocket umbrella or rain parka Sports gear for tournaments (knee pads, shorts, shoes, ankle wraps, etc.) Beach towel or extra towel Talent show material (whatever you need for the show) Out-Day Gear Hikers: wear comfortable shoes (you must wear shoes and not sandals or slides), comfortable clothing, maybe a hat, etc. Rafters: bathing suit, shoes for rafting,
Summit RulesDRESS CODE We are recommending a policy per I Timothy 2:9 to dress modestly, with decency and propriety. It is our responsibility to provide a proper atmosphere for Biblical learning and fellowship. We would respectfully ask you to honor the policies stated below during the entire conference, including the day away and sports tournaments. Ultimately, dress code is at the discretion of the Conference Committee. SHIRTS • Should be modest and loose-fitting, covering all personal areas (including midriffs and cleavage), not showing undergarments • Should not contain writing or images of an inappropriate nature SHORTS & SKIRTS • Modest and loose-fitting, not showing undergarments BATHING SUITS • Modest bathing suits for both guys and ladies. We respectfully request that you adhere to the above recommendations for the good of the conference and honor of Christ’s name. Thank you. CONFERENCE RULES Conference attendees will be cooperative, contribute to the well-being of all, participate in conference activities and abide by all rules determined by the conference committee. 1. No entering the dorm rooms of persons of the opposite sex. Young women and young men may not occupy the same dorm room at any time except during SonRise and Son-Set groups. 2. No possession or use of alcohol or drugs on campus or off campus. 3. No weapons, knives, etc. 4. Conference attendees will adhere to the dress code at all times, including tournaments and day away. 5. Conference attendees will respect University property and obey their rules for facility usage and may be held responsible for property damages incurred. 6. Attendance at all conference functions is mandatory. 7. No gaming equipment including computers. 8. No leaving the campus without express permission. *Checking the box on the registration page indicates that you have read these rules and that you agree to abide by them.
OversightThe Summit Conference Committee organizes each conference. Summit finances are reviewed by the Council of Bethel United Reformed Church, Calgary. (Summit Committee Members are Keith & Laura Davis, Debbie Oostenbrink, Russell & Beckie Vanderveen, Leonard & Jessica VanWoudenberg, and Vincent & Marlize Valentine).
MondayOn campus registration runs from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. *Please do not arrive on campus before 1 p.m. If you do arrive in Calgary before 1 p.m., go shopping or site-seeing. Supper will be served at 5 p.m. and the Monday night Main Session begins at 7:30 p.m.
Need a Ride from the Airport? Sign up for the Summit BusSummit has contracted with a local bus service to pick you up from the Calgary international Airport on Monday, Aug. 5, and bring you back on Friday, Aug. 9. The cost will be $25.00 per person, each way, or $50.00 roundtrip. E-transfer your fee to payments@summitrefcon.org please indicate it is for “bussing”. To reserve your spot on the bus, send an email to info@summitrefcon.org. Monday: please note we have TWO pick-up times. 12:00 p.m. (noon) 4:00 p.m. Departure on Friday: One bus will depart Mt. Royal University campus at 12:30 p.m. and arrive at the airport around 1:30 p.m. The Conference ends on Friday at 11:00 a.m. We do not provide lunch on Friday. Use your meal card to buy lunch at the University cafeteria or eat at the airport. What if My Flight Gets Delayed? 1. For Monday, if you encounter delays or changes to your flight itinerary (so that your flight arrives in Calgary after the 4 p.m. bus leaves), you must arrange for a Taxi or Uber or contact your parents to assist you in getting to the MRU Campus. The Summit Staff will not be able to help you. *The MRU campus is about a 35 minute drive from the airport. 2. Be prepared to spend an hour or two waiting at the airport on Monday and Friday.
Does Summit have a Cancellation Policy?Yes. Before June 1, we can usually give a full refund. After June 1, we may only be able to give a partial refund. NO refunds can be given within 4-5 weeks of the event. The Reason: All the money you paid to Summit as your registration Fee and Outday Fee has already been used to purchase your room and food on campus (which the University charges us for in advance.). Also, we have already ordered T-Shirts, and SWAG, and purchased tickets to attend the Outdays and reserved buses to get you there. *We totally understand that Wild-Fires (and other acts of God that are outside our control) may complicate travel plans, but all we can do is pray that the roads may be open by the time you travel to Calgary, or that you can make alternate travel plans.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 4
Day 3
Check out last years youth conference recap to get you excited for what's to come!
2022 MEDIA
Rev. Jason Vander Horst
The Truth about our Identity. “Identity” is a buzzword these days; Christians and non-Christians alike use it to assert their positions in the battle for truth. This has led to much confusion over what we mean when we speak of our identity.
Surrey Covenant Reformed Church, URC, Surrey, BC
Rev. Aaron Van Der Heiden
Satan’s Oldest Trick. When Satan tempted our first parents to sin against God, he asked a subtle but sinister question: Did God really say? By asking this question, Satan invited Adam and Eve to doubt and question the integrity of God's Word.
Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church, URC, Abbotsford, BC
Rev. John van Eyk
Rejoicing in Suffering Our culture encourages us to do all we can to avoid suffering -- and let’s face it, that’s very enticing. After all, who wants to feel pain? But have you ever considered that suffering can be a “good thing” for us?
Trinity Reformed Church URC, Lethbridge, AB
Rev. Gary Zekveld
Is the Bible Reliable? We confess that the Bible is God’s inspired and infallible Word. We are called to believe that what God says is true and we submit ourselves to the Bible’s authority. But how did the people in the Bible come to know this?
New Westminster URC, New Westminster, BC