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SUMMIT  2023

Reformed Youth Conference

August 7th to 11th



John 18:38 “What is Truth?

Ages: Grade 9 grads - post high singles up to 30 years old

Mt. Royal University, Calgary, AB Canada

Rev. Wm. Jason Tuinstra

Jason Tuinstra a native of Jenison, entered the ministry in 1998 as a graduate from Mid-America Reformed Seminary.  He has served churches in Indiana, California and is currently serving Bethel URC in Jenison, Michigan.  

Bethel United Reformed Church, Jenison, MI


Rev. William (Bill) Boekestein

Pastor Boekestein received his B.A. at Kuyper College and his M. Div. at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He has worked in residential construction and taught at a Christian school for several years.  

Immanuel Fellowship Church, URC, Kalamazoo MI





You will be staying on campus in the West Residence apartments of Mt. Royal University. We expect each registrant to honour all campus rules and to respect University property. You will be held responsible for reckless damage.

Out-Day Activities

For Summit 2023 we have the following activities planned. White Water Rafting, Hiking, Heritage Park and Calaway Park

Payment Details/Fees

Click below for all payment info. 

  • To secure the Early-Bird fee, you must pay by April 30.

  • Registration closes Monday, June 19 at 10 p.m. or when we hit 450.

  • All payments must be received by June 30 or your registration will be cancelled.  


Daily meals & evening snacks are provided for the duration of the conference week. This year we are introducing a food card system which can be used at the MRU cafe or other campus vendors – (if room permits) like the University’s own Tim Horton’s or Jugo Juice.


A Chaperone is a single or married adult (must be 18 years of age or older), and someone who is capable of demanding the obedience and respect of the young people. Chaperones supervise their own young people and assist the Summit Staff with a variety of duties and responsibilities.

Summit Rules

Summit Reformed Youth Conference expects attendees to adhere to the rules that SUMMIT has created in order that God may be glorified in the behavior and conduct of our attendees.



Day 1

Day 2

Day 4

Day 3


Check out last years youth conference recap to get you excited for what's to come!


2022 MEDIA

Rev. Rich & Angela Bout

The Most Excellent Way. God is the author of the world’s greatest love story.  We will address the pain, the pleasure, and the purpose of dating, marriage, and singleness.

Living Water Reformed Church, URC, Brantford, ON


Andrea Kampen

What is a Woman? It seems like such a simple question, yet many in our western world struggle or even refuse to provide an answer. What is our answer as Christians?

Ebenezer Canadian Reformed Church, Burlington, ON


Rev. Simon Lievaart

The Blame-shifter. This session highlights the meaning and importance of personal integrity, honesty and accountability.

Bethel Reformed Church, URC, Smithers, BC


Rev. Bill Pols

Membership Matters Today, very few churches maintain a formal church membership roster. Does that really matter? Is church membership just about our name on a piece of paper

Cornerstone URC, Edmonton, AB


Rev. James Roosma

Speaking the Truth in Love As Christians, we hold the truth of God’s Word in high regard. We are called to know the truth, believe the truth, and defend the truth. But the Bible also teaches us how to “speak” the truth.

Grace Reformed Church, URC, Kelowna, BC


Rev. Jeremy Segstro

Debunking the Myths about Evangelism What does it mean to evangelize?  Who should evangelize? How should we evangelize? Doesn't evangelism compete with our calling to care for our fellow Christians?

Cloverdale Canadian Reformed Church, Surrey BC


Rev. Kelvin Tiemstra

Living Out the Truth. You may be careful to speak the truth and act in a Godly manner when others are listening and watching, but who are you when no one is listening or watching?

Faith Reformed Church, URC, Telwa, BC


Rev. Jason Vander Horst

The Truth about our Identity. “Identity” is a buzzword these days; Christians and non-Christians alike use it to assert their positions in the battle for truth. This has led to much confusion over what we mean when we speak of our identity.

Surrey Covenant Reformed Church, URC, Surrey, BC


Rev. Aaron Van Der Heiden

Satan’s Oldest Trick. When Satan tempted our first parents to sin against God, he asked a subtle but sinister question: Did God really say? By asking this question, Satan invited Adam and Eve to doubt and question the integrity of God's Word.

Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church, URC, Abbotsford, BC


Rev. Robert Van der Woerd

The Truth About Worship.  Have you worshiped at another church lately? If so, then you realize that no two churches have exactly the same worship service. It makes us wonder, who or what determines the way we worship?

Redeemer URC, Lacombe, AB


Rev. John van Eyk

Rejoicing in Suffering Our culture encourages us to do all we can to avoid suffering -- and let’s face it, that’s very enticing. After all, who wants to feel pain? But have you ever considered that suffering can be a “good thing” for us? 

Trinity Reformed Church URC, Lethbridge, AB


Rev. Ken Wieske

True Love. What is love? Is love more than a feeling, more than fleeting emotions? And what’s the difference between lust and love? In this session you will learn the Biblical definition of love.

St. Albert Canadian Reformed Church, St. Albert, AB


Rev. John Ysinga

The Truth about Heaven. What does the Bible teach about heaven? What is it that makes heaven, “heaven”? Also, what are some common myths or false-teachings which people have about heaven?

United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay, ON


Rev. Gary Zekveld

Is the Bible Reliable? We confess that the Bible is God’s inspired and infallible Word. We are called to believe that what God says is true and we submit ourselves to the Bible’s authority. But how did the people in the Bible come to know this?

New Westminster URC, New Westminster, BC


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