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SUMMIT RYAC - Feb 13-16 2025



Ages: Post high singles up to age 30ish

Young Adults Goal

To encourage, edify and equip the young adults of Christ's church to live their lives to the glory and honor of God.


Check out last years youth conference recap to get you excited for what's to come!



Rev. Paul Murphy

Rev. Paul Murphy was born in Rome, Italy and came to this country when he was three. He was raised in an Irish-Catholic neighborhood in the Bronx, NYC. Although he was an altar boy in the Catholic church and attended regularly until age 14, he did not know Jesus Christ personally. From an early age he searched for Truth and the meaning of life. A college degree in philosophy brought him no closer to the Truth. He pursued a career in deep-sea diving and underwater construction that took him all around the world as he continued his search for Truth in vain.  At age of 29 he was confronted with the claims of Jesus Christ. The Lord broke down the barriers of his heart and captivated his life. The Truth had found him! Now, like the apostle Paul, this Paul can say “to live is Christ."  Though we all have the privilege of serving the Lord, Pastor Murphy has been granted to serve the Lord in one of the most prominent and spiritually dangerous places on Earth: Manhattan, where in 2003, as a response to the attack on the Twin Towers, Rev. Murphy founded Messiah’s Reformed Fellowship. Prior to that, Rev. Murphy pastored Dutton United Reformed Church in Michigan for 12 years. He has served on the Missions & Church Planting Committees for the URCNA for several years.  Rev. Murphy is married to his fabulous wife Julie. 

Julie Murphy

Julie Murphy is married to Pastor Paul Murphy of Messiah’s Reformed Fellowship in Manhattan. Raised in Arizona, she made her way to New York to pursue an acting career in her 20’s.  A co-worker witnessed to her and led her to the Lord. She met her heart’s desire at a church in Brooklyn, got married and moved to Western Michigan. Her husband pastored a church there for 12 years and they were blessed to have five children. In 2003, God called Paul back to New York City to plant a URC church in Manhattan in response to the 9/11 attacks. He has pastored there for 20 years and she has mentored many young women in the congregation. Three of their five children are now married with one grandchild on the way. Pastor & Julie live just north of Manhattan and life is never dull!





Twelve more rooms were added to the block of rooms reserved at the Sandman West location. Call the Hotel directly at (403) 288-6033 and dial ZERO to speak to the Front Desk Staff directly. To reserve your room (please share a room if possible), provide the room-block name or ID number ("Summit RYAC 2025" - ID #346967) with the dates (check-in Feb 13, check-out Feb 17). 


Plenty of Rooms are still available at the Sandman Signature Downtown Calgary location (use the link to reserve).  


You must reserve a room by Monday, January 13th. 


125 Bowridge Drive NW | Calgary AB | T3B 3R6

Sandman Signature Calgary Downtown Hotel (Parking Extra)

888 Seventh Avenue SW | Calgary AB | T2P 3J3


*Sharing a Hotel room is encouraged. Splitting the cost saves you a lot of money. Depending on the size of the room or suite, up to 4 or 5 people can share a room.   

If you are sharing a room, only one person needs to book the room. You hold the room with a credit card. You will not be charged until the day you check out.

 ⁠If you checked "Potluck" and want to share a Hotel Room, here's a WhatsApp link to connect with others looking to share:

*Alternative Hotels you can check:

Holiday Inn Express and Suites or Calgary University

Comfort Inn

(Both on Banff Trail. Be SURE you ask about parking)



Parking & Commute

There is FREE parking at the Sandman West location. There is underground parking (standard size vehicles) at the Sandman Downtown Hotel for a daily fee.

You will have to commute to Bethel each day to attend the Conference. For those who would like to carpool, we can make arrangements. 


The 2025 conference begins Thursday, Feb 13 at 5 p.m.   ​

Conference activities conclude Sunday evening, February 16th.​ Stay the night and travel home on the Holiday Monday, Feb. 17th. ​​

Friday Out-Day Options

  • Activate Life-Size Arcade Room

  • Banff Outing

  • Banff Sulfur Mountain Gondola (Extra $60)

  • Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park

  • Indoor Rock Climbing

Registration Fee

$175.00 before December 15

$200.00 after December 15

When you register, be sure to use the EARLYBIRD Coupon to get the discounted rate.

​Registration closes January 13th, 2025.

Registration is capped at 160.


All food and snacks are provided and served by Bethel URC and are included in your registration cost.

Remember to bring extra cash for souvenirs, etc. on your Out-Day activity. 

Meals are prepared and served by the Bethel URC Ladies Auxiliary.  

Free-Time Activities

We have reserved lots of free-time during the conference to play Dutch Blitz and other board games and group games. There will also be several organized Ice-Breakers. 

Ice-Skating is also an option as there are several Out-Door skating rinks nearby -- so be sure to bring your Ice-Skates and warm clothes! 

This year we will once again hosting a square dance event (bring your indoor shoes). 

RYAC Organizers

The Reformed Young Adult Conference is organized by a committee of Young Adults with the guidance of Pastor Keith Davis and his wife Laura.

The work of the committee as well as the oversight of all funds is the responsibility of the Council Bethel URC Calgary.

Supporting Summit

The Bethel Deacons supervise the finances of the Summit Reformed Conferences.

For tax receipts, make out your cheque to 'Summit Reformed Conferences' and mail to:

Bethel United Reformed Church

730 - 101 Street SW 

Calgary, AB T3H 3Z5

RYAC Mission

RYAC is a Christian conference for single Young Adults in our Reformed churches. Our goal as a conference is to:

  • Glorify and honor God

  • Strengthen the faith of our Young Adults

  • Deepen their love for the Lord Jesus Christ

  • Foster and promote fellowship and friendship


2024 MEDIA

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